Time For Change

Slowly, I’ve been updating my new website, not quite where I want it to be, but soon, and also switching to a new blog host.  I’ll keep the posts on here up, but will start all new ones at http://therealhousewifeofsuburbia1.blogspot.com//.  I hope you will come join me there!!

This year I’m crossing my fingers for my best garden ever, lots of twinado  antics during their last summer before heading off to kindergarten (where did the time go?), food, desserts, lots of baking, and of course the chickens….

As always, you can find me posting daily on Facebook.  I need therapy for that!!

2016, No Resolutions For Me

Happy New Year!!  There are 366 days ahead of us to live life to the fullest in 2016 and I intend to do just that.  Starting with no resolutions for the year, not even a goal or anything like it.  This year I’m going to live more organically, just let life happen, see where the road takes me so to speak.  Yes I’ll get everything that needs to be done every day, but it’s the rest of the stuff that I’ll make up as I go.

2016 is a big year for us, the twinadoes will start kindergarten in the fall, that signals the end of our “free time” so to speak.  Yes they have gone to preschool since they were three, but it’s a little more relaxed, this is actual school.  Our schedules will revolve around the school year and their breaks….sigh….  My mom heart can barely take it.

Another reason for this, I’m tired of all the planning, the deadlines, the chores, etc… with these brings inevitable failures, and failure sucks.  Maybe I’m just being pampered housewife right now, but seriously, I’m really over it.  For me personally it seems like I’ve been obsessing over getting things done to the point I’m missing out on the current moment.  I try to micromanage all the seconds in the day to make sure I can check off these lists.  Well screw the lists!!

This year I’m going to hang with my twinadoes, garden, cook, bake, and enjoy life.  Like I said, tasks that need to get done will, the cat litter will still get cleaned, dishes will be washed, floors will shine, but I won’t add in any extras unless I feel like it.  I think this is something I can do, and do well….

With that said, I still would love to hear about your new year’s resolutions.